Context Graph: It’s time to bring context back to the web

Hubzilla connected people. Workshop
  zuletzt bearbeitet: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 09:12:15 +0200  
The largest button on a modern browser is the back button. Trips to the web are short. Enter a search, get a result, click back, then try again. This feels backwards (forgive the pun!). What if there was a better forward button? One that helps you understand a topic better or find alternative solutions to a problem you’re solving? What if web browsers were immediately useful instead of demanding input when you launched them? Browsers could do so much more, through a better understanding of your behavior and by using the experience of people at human-scale to give you content that enriches your life, regardless of whom you know or where you live.

Context Graph: It’s time to bring context back to the web, 06.07.2016 - #^

Bemerkenswert - ohne diesen Artikel zu lesen habe ich einen Vergleich mit dem Wald diese Tage in einer Umfrage angeführt, wo ich gefragt wurde "Wie erklären Sie einem Mitmenschen, der davon keine Ahnung hat, was Internet ist?". Die Kontext-Graph-Funktion scheint m.E. Überschneidungen mit dem Heliza-Konzept zu haben

#ContextGraph #Wald #forest #heliza