"Who is a Hubzilla developer? Should I read this?"

Hubzilla connected people. Workshop
  zuletzt bearbeitet: Sat, 03 Jun 2017 15:33:06 +0200  
Anyone who contributes to making Hubzilla better is a developer. There are many different and important ways you can contribute to this amazing technology, _even if you do not know how to write code_. The software itself is only a part of the Hubzilla project. You can contribute by

* translating text to your language so that people around the world have the opportunity to use Hubzilla
* promoting Hubzilla and spreading awareness of the platform through blog posts, articles, and word-of-mouth
* creating artwork and graphics for project assets such as icons and marketing material
* supporting project infrastructure like the project website and demo servers

_Software_ developers are of course welcomed; there are so many great ideas to implement and not enough people to make them all a reality! The Hubzilla code base is an advanced and mature system, but the platform is still very flexible and responsive to new ideas.

This document will help you get started learning and contributing to Hubzilla.

more -> #^https://hub.freecommunication.org/doc/developer/developer_guide.md

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